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Private Lessons
For only $4.99 a month!

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For only $4.99 a month!

Become a V. I. Preloader
For only $4.99 a month!

Private Lessons

Hours:  Lesson start times are from 7:00 AM to 4:00 PM.
Solo & Couples (1-2) Riders
No Travel: $100 per rider, per hour. Minimum two (2) hour private lesson.

Motorcycle rental avaliable (2019 Harley Davidson Road King Special) $75 per hour.

Want your private lesson recorded?
$250 includes recording & editing

Travel: $150 per rider, per hour - Only available for travel 2 hours or less with two (2) hour minimum practice session.

Motorcycle rental avaliable (2019 Harley Davidson Road King Special) $100 per hour.
Lodging: $150 per night (if applicable)
Travel will be determined by the roundtrip distance from Pooler, GA to your location. The amount will include gas and tolls (if applicable.)
Small Group (3-5) Riders
No Travel: $75 per rider, per hour. Minimum two (2) hour private lesson.

Motorcycle rental avaliable (2019 Harley Davidson Road King Special) $75 per hour.

Want your private lesson recorded?
$250 includes recording & editing

Travel: $100 per rider, per hour. Minimum two (2) hour practice session.

Motorcycle rental avaliable (2019 Harley Davidson Road King Special) $100 per hour.
Lodging: $150 per night (if applicable)
Travel: will be determined by the roundtrip distance from Pooler, GA to your location.The amount will include gas and tolls (if applicable).
Large Group (6-10) Riders
No Travel: $50 per rider, per hour. Minimum two (2) hour private lesson.

Motorcycle rental avaliable (2019 Harley Davidson Road King Special) $75 per hour.

Want your private lesson recorded?
$250 includes recording & editing

Travel: $75 per rider, per hour. Minimum two (2) hour practice session.

Motorcycle rental avaliable (2019 Harley Davidson Road King Special) $100 per hour.
Lodging: $150 per night (if applicable)
Travel: will be determined by the roundtrip distance to your location. The amount will include gas and tolls (if applicable).

Practice Sessions

Practice Session #118
Practice Session #117
Practice Session #116
Take a look at previous Practice Sessions 1 thru 118 in the right panel.
To play all 118 videos, click the White Start Button in the middle.
To play a particular video, click hamburger menu below (upper right corner).

My Profile

Robert Simmons

Retired NYPD Highway Patrol Motorcycle Lieutenant

I am a retired New York City Police Department Highway Patrol Motorcycle Lieutenant. On my YouTube channel I share my knowledge, experience and training that I attained from the New York City Police Department Highway Patrol Motorcycle Unit. The topic that I primarily focus on is slow speed motorcycle operation because only 2% of motorcycle riders know how to ride in this manner. The goal is to raise motorcyclist confidence in slow speed motorcycle operation because a confident rider is a safer rider and a rider that will enjoy riding their motorcycle much more.

The second goal is to help you be the “Boss of your motorcycle”. By that I mean, I want you to be confident when it comes to doing the most basic things like making right turns, left turns and u-turns. Once you can take 100% control of your motorcycle at speeds below 15 mph without feeling intimidated and without taking your feet off of the floorboards or pegs, that's when you will truly be the “Boss of your motorcycle”.

Product Reviews

Tab Performance
2017-Up 50 Cal Slip On Mufflers

Amazon Affiliate Links
I used a variety of products. You can buy them using my Amazon.Affiliate.


Robert Simmons Be The Boss of Your Motorcycle - Merchandise

Be The Boss of Your Motorcycle! ® Ambassadors

Jenni Kebler

Washington Ambassador

Andrew Schultz

North Carolina Ambassador

Michael Taylor

Tennessee Ambassador

Ruben & Maria Garza

(GPops & Gigi)

California Ambassadors

Mario Oliva

Maryland Ambassador

Kenneth Pittman

Virginia Ambassador

Joe Goe

Ohio Ambassador

Mike Cozad &

Lori Baker

Florida Ambassadors

Jason Zandy

Illinois Ambassador

Barry & Angie Tackett

West Virginia Ambassadors

Stephanie Reis

Colorado Ambassador

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is a PRELOADER?
A PRELOADER is anyone who has subscribed to Be The Boss Of Your Motorcycle!® YouTube channel and who is dedicated to being proficient in slow speed motorcycle skills.
2. What does PRELOAD mean?
Engaging the throttle to raise the RPMs (revolutions per minute) above idle and holding the throttle there with the clutch pulled in (no power to the rear wheel, “ in reserve” PRELOADED). This process will make power to the rear wheel available to the rider immediately when the clutch is opened up. There’s no need for the rider to be concerned with twisting the throttle for power because it’s already PRELOADED.
3. When are practice sessions held?
Practice sessions are usually held on a bi-weekly basis (Saturday or Sunday) in Pooler, GA.
4. How much are Practice Sessions?
Practice Sessions are free of charge to V.I.Preloaders ONLY. For non-V.I.Preloaders, the price is $100.
5. What is a V. I.Preloader?
A V.I.Preloader is a paid member of the Be The Boss Of Your Motorcycle!® YouTube channel. Please click here for information on V.I.Preloader perks and how to become a V.I.Preloader!
6. If I am unable to become a V.I.Preloader, does that mean I am not able to be a Preloader?
Absolutely not! You are still a valued Preloader and still have full access to all Practice Session videos, as well as lessons, product reviews and installs.
7. How do I find out the dates of Practice Sessions?
Practice Sessions are scheduled 5-7 days in advance. Preloaders who are on the email notification list are sent an email informing them of the time, date and location of scheduled practice sessions. Click here to add yourself to the email notification list.
8. How do I sign up for a Private Lesson?
Click the "Sign Up for Private Lesson" button in the upper right corner and provide the requested information. Lessons are limited to 10 riders.
9. Do you offer Out-of-Town Private Lessons?
10. Do I have to be subscribed to Be The Boss Of Your Motorcycle® to sign up for a Private Lesson?
No, however it would be appreciated. It's free, you only have to do it once and it helps me out.
11. Do I need a motorcycle endorsement to practice?
Yes you do need a motorcycle endorsement to participate in a practice session. However you don't need a motorcycle endorsement to participate in a private lesson.



101 Blue Moon Crossing

Suite 3, Box 134

Pooler, GA 31322


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Have a question or want further information?